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About Us

Meet Courtney! Our non-licensed therapist, world traveler, and enneagram 1, she’s trustworthy, fair, and has never met a stranger. “After some reluctance, I agreed to team up with Kat and Liv to co-host this podcast because I wanted to challenge myself to do something outside of my comfort zone. I always leave GNO gatherings affirmed, encouraged, inspired, and challenged. My hope is for listeners to have similar experiences alongside us.”






Meet Kathryn! Our outdoor enthusiast, food lover, and enneagram 8, she’s honest, hardworking, and loves a good debate. “After several years of intentional conversation and friendship with Olivia and Courtney, I had the idea of sharing some of our conversations with others, and that’s how the podcast was born. I really believe that these discussions have the ability to impact listeners for the better. Even knowing that there could be pushback on what I have to share, I would rather speak honestly than stay silent.”





Meet Olivia! Our resident runner, want-to-be beach bum, and enneagram 9, she aspires to always work-hard, play-harder. “I decided to co-host the podcast because I need to learn to be more comfortable expressing my thoughts and opinions. I believe through doing so, I could spark an idea or conversation between friends, or even help someone feel a bit less alone. That would make this risk worth it.”

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